
Steve Bannon’s Advice to Trump May Not Be in His Best Interest

- Oktober 31, 2017

Steve Bannon said, upon his ouster from his position as White House chief strategist, that he’d work for Trump from the outside.

He might be working to sink Trump, in an act of revenge for disloyalty.

Let’s look at the evidence.

He’s attempting to put Republicans’ majority in Congress on shaky ground, by running out incumbents. It’s all under the guise of getting in candidates more acquiescent to Trump, but it’s no guarantee that if they can get the nomination that any of those chaos candidates backed by Bannon can actually win, when it counts.

Now there’s this bit of advice he’s offering to the president, and just as when it was suggested by CBN’s Pat Robertson, it’s still bad.

Bannon, who currently serves as the executive chair of Breitbart News, has reportedly pushed Trump to defund Mueller’s investigation as a way to restrain Mueller’s probe without having to actually fire him.

There was talk, at some point, of Trump firing Mueller, and reportedly, he considered it. Cooler heads apparently got in his ear and he decided against it.

Had he actually fired Mueller and shut down the investigation, that would have been a one way ticket to impeachment proceedings, as it is unlikely that any lawmaker would stand by something that had optics that looked that bad.

Other rumors are that Bannon is giving Trump advice on ways he could thwart the investigation, while not actually defunding it, such as withholding documents.

This is coming on the heels of Monday’s big news about indictments brought against former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, as well as Manafort business partner Rick Gates.

Also, a former Trump aide, George Papadopoulos, pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators about his own contacts with a London professor, with possible ties to the Russian government.

Little of it appears to point directly at Trump, and more than anything, looks as if his failing is in surrounding himself with corrupt people with corrupt agendas.

That being said, if he starts acting like a guilty man, doing things to slow or stop the investigation, there’s no way he comes out of this unscathed.

It’s time to stop taking Steve Bannon’s calls, Mr. President.

The post Steve Bannon’s Advice to Trump May Not Be in His Best Interest appeared first on RedState.


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