Monday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” host Joe Scarborough declared President Donald Trump made a mistake in attacking Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) publicly, which played out on Twitter a day earlier. Scarborough expressed his approval on Twitter of Corker’s response to Trump’s tweets attacking him by acknowledging his “love” for the junior Tennessee U.S. Senator on Sunday. I. Love. Bob. Corker. — Joe Scarborough (@JoeNBC) October 8, 2017 Then early on Monday’s broadcast of “Morning Joe,” Scarborough criticized Trump and warned that his attacks on Corker meant a lost vote on tax reform and potentially a vote for Trump’s impeachment. “This is the thing he doesn’t understand,” he said. “And I mean this – the president, he is just so out of it, he does not understand that if you attack Bob Corker, a guy who started a business on his own, became unbelievably successful in his 30s, has always been a success, a mayor, you know, a two-term senator – you attack this guy, he’s not scared of the president. And he’s got nothing to lose. The damage that Donald Trump did additionally to his presidency yesterday is unspeakable. He also — guess what, he has lost a vote
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Scarborough: I ‘Love’ Bob Corker — Damage Trump Did to His Presidency Attacking Him ‘Unspeakable’