Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” while commenting on a vigil he attended for the victims of the Las Vegas shooting, co-host Joe Scarborough said America needed to get back to kindness. However, he said President Donald Trump was not a leader capable of taking the country there because he is “a mean man.” Scarborough said, “It seems to me in 2017 what this country needs the most right now, if we want to talk about resistance, it’s courage to do the right thing when it comes to the issues. Also courage to show kindness and even the smallest of action. We’re a coarsened culture. We have an unkind leader whether you voted for him or not, whether you support him or not, most people will agree Donald Trump is not a kind man. He’s a mean man. He’s crude. He’s brutal. He says horrible things. He’s insulting.” He continued, “And it seems to me that with all of this anger and rage pouring at us, with all of this bad news coming at us every day, the most defiant thing we can do is show uncommon acts of kindness. To be kind when nobody is expecting it. That starts with
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Scarborough: America Needs Courage, Kindness — Trump Incapable as Leader Because He Is a ‘Mean Man’