Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) on Thursday. Blackburn explained why she is running for a seat in the U.S. Senate in this three minute video posted on her campaign website: “The United States Senate . . . it’s totally dysfunctional, and it’s enough to drive you nuts, and that’s why I’ve decided to do something about it,” Blackburn says at the beginning of the video. Blackburn continues: I’m Marsha Blackburn. I’m a hard core, card carrying Tennessee conservative. I’m politically incorrect, and proud of it. So, let me just say it like it is: The fact that our Republican majority in the U.S. Senate can’t overturn Obamacare, or will not overturn Obamacare. It’s a disgrace. Too many Senate Republicans act like Democrats. Or worse. And that’s what we have to change. Here in Tennessee, I fought my own party to stop a massive, job killing, state income tax. And we stopped it. We won. Blackburn, a former Chairman of the Williamson County Republican Party, was elected to the Tennessee State Senate in 1998. It was there that she led the successful
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Rep. Marsha Blackburn Announces Candidacy for GOP Senate Nomination in Tennessee