
Poll: Mitch McConnell is Currently America’s Most Disliked Senator

- Oktober 31, 2017

A new poll shows a bit of bad news for Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, as it seems he ranks dead last on the list of senators people like.

A Morning Consult poll, taken during July 1 through September 30, shows McConnell is bringing up the rear with a 55 percent disapproval rating, and only 33 percent approving.

That’s a 15 percent drop since the last time this poll was taken, and it’s assumed McConnell’s failure to pass the GOP Obamacare replacement bill through is to blame for his sudden drop in popularity.

Following closely behind McConnell are Arizona Sens Jeff Flake and John McCain at 48 and 44 percent disapproval respectively. Both are considered anti-Trump roadblocks.

Oddly enough, however, McCain’s numbers are an improvement, seeing a six-point increase since the last time this poll was taken.

Sitting at the top continues to be “Independent” Vermont “democratic” socialist Bernie Sanders with a 71 percent approval rating, and only 22 percent disapproval rating.

Regardless of the current FBI investigation against his wife for bank fraud, Sanders’ three expensive homes, and $3 million in campaign funds still sitting around despite owing over $450,000 in campaign expenses, people still think he’s an honest man of the people.

Other notable politician numbers include:

Ben Sasse (Neb.): 46% approval, 34% disapproval

Marco Rubio (Fla.): 47% approval, 37% disapproval

Rand Paul (Ky.): 48% approval, 36% disapproval

Ted Cruz (Texas): 52%, 32% disapproval

This numbers may improve should Republicans pass a tax bill through that their voting base actually considers worthy of having voted them in for.

The online poll was conducted among 255,120 registered U.S. voters, with each voter only casting votes on their state’s senators. A margin of error was not shared.

The post Poll: Mitch McConnell is Currently America’s Most Disliked Senator appeared first on RedState.


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