
Podesta Threatens Tucker Carlson with Legal Action if Reporting On Russian Collusion Doesn’t Cease

- Oktober 31, 2017

A lawyer representing Tony Podesta of the Podesta Group sent Fox News host Tucker Carlson a cease and desist letter in an attempt to silence him from reporting on the Podesta Group’s possible connections to Russia and their attempted influence over the U.S. elections.

“Podesta isn’t just complaining about us, he’s threatening us,” said Carlson during his show on Monday night.

According to Carlson, the cease and desist “demands that the show ‘immediately cease and desist disseminating false and misleading reports about Mr. Podesta and the Podesta group.’ It demands we retract and delete all our prior reporting on the Podesta group and warns that if we don’t do this, ‘Mr. Podesta may pursue legal action, including for damages in order to fully protect his rights.”

So the Podesta group wants any evidence of their past dealings to see the bin, or else. According to Carlson, however, Podesta has used this scare tactic before.

“Podesta’s lawyer wasn’t trying to inform us of anything — but to threaten us, to shut down our reporting on his client. One lawyer we talked to earlier today said the Podesta people have used this tactic with others before, it’s common. It’s an effort to use fear to control press coverage,” said Carlson.

Carlson isn’t backing down, however.

“We’re not intimidated, we have ample evidence from Mueller’s indictment and from a number of confidential sources to paint a pretty clear picture of exactly what the Podesta Group was doing for years here in Washington,” said Carlson. “We’ll let the facts speak for themselves, and we’re confident the Mueller investigation will be revealing a lot more about his lobbying practices in the near future.”

(h/t: The Daily Caller)

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