Abortion Goliath Planned Parenthood celebrated its 101st birthday on Monday, marking its century-long expansion from a Brooklyn clinic to a nationwide death center that has plagued minority and poor communities for generations.
According to The Stream, Planned Parenthood’s garnered kill count throughout the last hundred years defeats that of the Vietnam War, the American Civil War, the Korean War, and the Iraq war combined. The death toll is even greater than that of the Holocaust.
From The Stream:
Planned Parenthood aborted 6,803,782 babies between 1978 and 2016, according to CNS News, and 328,348 unborn babies between 2015-2016, according to its annual report, putting the 2017 grand total at 7,132,130.
While Planned Parenthood aborted more than 300,000 unborn babies last year, they handed out only 2,889 adoption referrals — roughly one adoption referral for every 114 abortions.
As Planned Parenthood likes to claim, their abortion service is only a third of what they have to offer, but The Stream notes that the organization considers abortion as one service.
A woman who goes to Planned Parenthood to receive an abortion also receives a pregnancy test, contraception kit and a pap smear. By Planned Parenthood’s math, aborting the baby is only one-quarter of a woman’s visit.
“This is a little like performing an abortion and giving a woman an aspirin, and saying only half of what you do is abortion,” columnist Rich Lowry wrote in The New York Post.
Planned Parenthood receives over $500 million in federal funding annually. While the abortion giant holds that none of that is going toward abortions, any assistance it receives helps it achieve that primary end goal. Why Planned Parenthood is given so much federal money when they provide far fewer health care services and are outnumbered 20 to one by regular clinics that provide every service Planned Parenthood does and more is never explained by its advocates.
Furthermore, why Planned Parenthood can be so celebrated in an age where our understanding of the pre-natal sciences reveals just how much a baby is not a clump of cells, but a developing person from day one is beyond reason. With so much learned — and more being learned every day — about genetics, developmental stages, brain activity, etc, the 7 million lives Planned Parenthood has taken becomes a horrifying death toll for its 101 years of existence.
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