Friday on ABC’s “The View,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), said there was not any type of fracture within the Democratic party. Partial transcript as follows: MEGHAN MCCAIN, CO-HOST “THE VIEW”: There’s a fracture in your party, like mine. There were people like Tim Ryan that were calling you to step down and asking for new blood. I don’t think it’s gender, look at the Bernie supporters versus Hillary supporters. PELOSI: Let me, with all due respect, disagree with you. There is not a fracture in our party similar to what’s happening to the Republican party. It’s always been a dynamic party. That’s the vitality of it. You name people that want me to step down, and I can name you people in my caucus that want me to stay. If Hillary had won and dealt with things like Medicaid, MediCare and Affordable Care Act—I had an important role in passing that I had a responsibly to protect that. I feel very confident in what I’m doing and the support I have. Please don’t think it’s anything like the fracture that is in the Republican party. MCCAIN: It hasn’t stopped us from winning. President Trump is in the White House.
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Pelosi: ‘There Is Not a Fracture’ in the Democratic Party — ‘This is Our Turn’