
Nicolle Wallace: Trump Administration Does ‘Not Appear to Be Human Beings’

- Oktober 24, 2017

Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” host Nicolle Wallace said the people in Trump administration did “not appear to be human beings.” Wallace said “I want to bring this back to this concept, of deflection, of projection, a lack of irony and sort of a lack of — there’s no capacity for humanity, these do not appear to be human beings. I men they trotted General Kelly out as a human shield last week, a political, human shield to take the swings that Donald Trump wasn’t man enough to take for himself, for the disgrace  — he was a disgrace last week, the way he treated the widow of a fallen soldier. They trotted Kelly out there like a human shield.” She added, “But why this White House, they don’t dig with a shovel, they dig with power tools — why can’t they stop?” Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

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