
New Employment Numbers Show President Trump’s Economy Is On Fire! Jobs, Stock Market and GDP All At All-Time Highs!

- Oktober 06, 2017

Guest post by Joe Hoft

It’s now eleven months since the election and President Trump is into his ninth month in office.  The mainstream media won’t tell you but the economy is simply “On Fire”.

The main stream media (MSM) and Democrat Party will not report it but President Trump’s economic results could arguably be the best all time.

US Stock Markets

In President Trump’s first few months since the election and since his inauguration the US Stock Markets are at record highs and millions of Americans are benefitting in their retirement savings accounts.

* The DOW has risen more than 24% since the election on November 8th. (On November 9th the DOW closed at 18,332 – on October 5th the DOW closed at 22,775.)
* The DOW has increased 4,443 points since the November 8th election.  The stock market has never increased as much in such a short period of time in its more than one hundred year history!  

* President Trump is the only President in US history to oversee two stock market rallies of nine days or more where the markets set new highs each and every day.  

* On February 28th President Trump matched President Reagan’s 1987 record for most continuous closing high trading days when the DOW reached a new high for its 12th day in a row! 
* Then in early August President Trump reigned over a 9 day stock market rally with each day reaching record highs.

* President Trump set the record earlier this year for the most all time closing stock market highs during his first year in office.  Currently the DOW has set 63 closing highs since last year’s election and 46 since President Trump’s inauguration.  (As a comparison, President Obama had no stock market highs his entire first term.)

* One in four days since the election has ended in a new stock market high.

* The DOW took just 66 days to climb from 19,000 to above 21,000, the fastest 2,000 point run ever. The DOW closed above 19,000 for the first time on November 22nd 2016 and closed above 21,000 on March 1st 2017.
* The DOW closed above 20,000 on January 25th and the March 1st rally matched the fastest-ever 1,000 point increase in the DOW at 24 days.
* Since President Trump’s Inauguration on January 20th the DOW is up 15%. (It was at 19,827 at January 20th.)
* The S&P 500 and the NASDAQ have both set new all-time highs during this period.
* The US Stock Market gained at least $4 trillion in wealth since Trump was elected!  (Stuart Varney on FOX noted this morning that this number is now $5 trillion.)
* The S&P 500 also broke $20 Trillion for the first time in its history.


One of the main economic indicators of a robust economy is GDP (Gross Domestic Product). According the US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA):

GDP is one of the most comprehensive and closely watched economic statistics: It is used by the White House and Congress to prepare the Federal budget, by the Federal Reserve to formulate monetary policy, by Wall Street as an indicator of economic activity, and by the business community to prepare forecasts of economic performance that provide the basis for production, investment, and employment planning.

FOX News reported that Second Quarter US GDP grew by 3.1%. According the Bureau of Economic Analysis the US GDP grew to an astounding $19.25 Trillion. This is the highest GDP in US history.


According to data released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics today, President Trump added a projected 1.33 million jobs in the first nine months of the year (January through September 2017.)  President Obama on the other hand lost more than (4.59) million jobs in the same time period.

President Obama was so bad at creating jobs that by the end of his second term he said that jobs were not coming back.  However, President Trump did not listen.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more Americans are in the work force than ever before.  Over 160 million Americans are working for the first time in US history.  President Trump is working hard to bring good paying jobs back to the US and his efforts are showing historic results.


Also according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the US unemployment rate is below January’s rate every month (January through September 2017.) The unemployment rate in January 2017 was 4.8% and by September it was down to 4.2%.

President Obama on the other hand again moved in the opposite direction. In his first nine months as President the US unemployment rate increased each month from 7.8% in January 2009 to 9.8% by September of 2009.

US Debt

As of October 6th, President Trump increased the US Debt since his inauguration by $400 billion or 2%.

President Obama on the other hand increased the US debt during the same time in his first term by $1.3 trillion or more than 12%.

Obama increased the US debt in this time period by $900 billion more than President Trump or nearly a trillion dollars more!

In Summary

Overall based on the above data it is clear that President Trump’s economic policies are reaching historic results.  The Stock Market, GDP and Jobs are at all time highs.  Unemployment is low and government spending is curtailed.  If Congress will pass tax cuts for Americans and American companies the economy will reach levels never seen before. 

The mainstream liberal media won’t report this, but when looking at the economy, billionaire President Trump knows what he’s doing and America is loving it.


The post New Employment Numbers Show President Trump’s Economy Is On Fire! Jobs, Stock Market and GDP All At All-Time Highs! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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