
New Details Emerge About Scalise Shooter=> He Planned For Months ‘Fueled by Rage Against Republican Legislators’

- Oktober 06, 2017

James T. Hodgkinson’s shooting rampage was an act of LEFT-WING TERRORISM, not an ‘assault’ as the FBI originally concluded.

A new report released Friday shows that the left-wing Bernie Sanders supporter who shot GOP lawmaker Scalise and others at a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia planned for months to carry out his “act of terrorism” which was “fueled by rage against Republican legislators”.

The Daily Caller reported:

The suspect, 66-year-old James T. Hodgkinson, picked the baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia as his target months in advance of the shooting, according to the report. Hodgkinson was also seen watching the Republicans practice for the congressional baseball game the day before the shooting, where he shot and wounded four people, including Louisiana Republican Rep. Steve Scalise.

“The evidence in this case establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that the suspect, fueled by rage against Republican legislators, decided to commit an act of terrorism as that term is defined by the Code of Virginia. See Va. Code §18.46.4,” Bryan L. Porter wrote in the report.

The report also reveals that Hodgkinson planned the terrorist act months in advance and told family members that he wouldn’t be around that much longer. Via The Daily Caller:

“Media files recovered from the suspect’s phone show video of Simpson Field that was recorded in April 2017. After the incident, several witnesses came forward and reported seeing the suspect walking around Simpson Field in May 2017,” Porter wrote. “From these facts, it may be inferred that the suspect had already selected Simpson Field as a potential target as early as April 2017.”

“Hodgkinson was increasingly making vague statements about how he would ‘not be around much longer’ to family members.”

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, James T. Hodgkinson was a Bernie Sanders supporter who was obsessed with Trump-Russia conspiracy theories conjured up by the lying Democrats and perpetuated by the fake news media.

Hodgkinson called Trump a “traitor”, saying he has “destroyed our democracy. It’s time to destroy Trump & Co”. The liars in the media own this. They have pushed Trump-Russia hoax for months with ZERO evidence.

Hodgkinson shared a petition calling for President Trump’s impeachment for treason and having relationships with numerous Russian oligarchs including Vladimir Putin.

Another petition Hodgkinson shared asked past Presidents to urge Congress to launch an independent investigation over Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, once again because of Trump’s involvement with Russia:

The questions raised by the timing and rationale behind Trump’s firing of James Comey at a time when he was requesting additional funds for the Investigation into the ties between the Trump team and Russian attempts to influence the election have the potential to create a constitutional crisis. Unless this issue is resolved beyond reproach, it has the potential to undermine our citizens’ faith in the rule of law and our system of checks and balances that is supposed to constrain the abuse of power.

Hodgkinson was also a fan of left-wing media figures like Rachel Maddow who incessantly push Russian conspiracy theories. As TGP previously reported, Rachel Maddow spends 53% of her airtime dedicated to obsessing over Donald Trumps supposed connections to Russia.

Hodgkinson became radicalized by the liars in the media; it drove him to commit an act of terrorism.

The post New Details Emerge About Scalise Shooter=> He Planned For Months ‘Fueled by Rage Against Republican Legislators’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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