Sunday, the host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Chuck Todd, said the executive chairman of Breitbart News Steve Bannon is “a lot of hat and not much cattle.” Partial transcript as follows: KIM STRASSEL: Well, I just think there’s a level of frustration. You heard the chief of staff say this as well in his meeting, that people are so focused on these internal “what’s going on in the president’s head” and do his allies, are they still happy with him? And no one’s paying attention to what’s really going on out there. You know, the Iranian deal. In fact, it is Bob Corker and Tom Cotton who are working on legislation– CHUCK TODD: But you know who’s stoking these fires? Steve Bannon. KIM STRASSEL: Yeah, well yes. CHUCK TODD: Look what he did yesterday. He unloaded, basically said, “If you don’t denounce Corker and McConnell, you’re on my list.” And he name checked. KIM STRASSEL: Yes, I agree. CHUCK TODD: Certain people like Deb Fisher of Nebraska. Seriously? KIM STRASSEL: Yeah, I know, you’re going to go after her? KASIE HUNT: And the broader strategy here, I think we’ve talked about the president kicking all of these things to
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NBC’s Chuck Todd: Bannon Is ‘a Lot of Hat and Not Much Cattle’