
John Kelly Calls For a Special Counsel to Investigate Uranium One

- Oktober 31, 2017

Last night White House Chief of Staff John Kelly did an extended interview with Laura Ingraham. During the interview she asked about the growing revelations of influence peddling and corruption in connection with the Clinton Uranium One scandal.

I think probably as a layman looking at this kind of thing, we need to find someone who’s very very objective who can get to the bottom of these accusations, I think it’s important. Again, the American people have an absolute right to know these things unless things are classified.

Kelly it taking a lot of fire over this but he’s absolutely right.

The Clinton-Uranium One deal it the quintessential case for special prosecutor. She was a failed candidate for president and she and her husband have essentially owned the Democrat party since 1992. She is deeply corrupt and everyone knows it. But if Sessions’s Justice Department goes after her, it looks partisan. If there is any justice, Sessions will appoint a partisan Republican, like Ken Cuccinelli, and let him hire a battalion of prosecutors who are major Republican donors and unleash them on everyone Clinton has had business dealings with for the past two decades.

The post John Kelly Calls For a Special Counsel to Investigate Uranium One appeared first on RedState.


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