
In Bowe Bergdahl Sentencing, Court Gets to Hear of Who Really Suffered from His Actions

- Oktober 30, 2017

The desperate narrative of the Obama administration, that seemed to suggest trading five dangerous Taliban operatives, in exchange for one, wimpy traitor, Bowe Bergdahl was actually a righteous exchange will be challenged today in court.

At today’s sentencing hearing, the wife of one soldier, gravely wounded during the search for Bergdahl, will be present in court today, serving as the final witness for the prosecutor.

From Reuters:

 Master Sergeant Mark Allen is confined to a wheelchair and cannot speak after being shot in the head during a July 2009 mission to seek intelligence on Bergdahl, who had abandoned his post days earlier.

Prosecutors said testimony by Allen’s wife and his doctor about the effects of his wounds will likely conclude their case at North Carolina’s Fort Bragg, where Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

The maximum penalty for Bergdahl’s crimes could include dishonorable discharge and up to life in prison.

Bergdahl, who admitted in a letter to his parents that he was ashamed to be an American and who seemed to be more interested in connecting with the locals than his own platoon walked off his post in Patika province in June 2009.

During last week’s testimony, other service members described what they endured, as they searched for a man who dumbly walked away into what he knew was dangerous territory.

Texas Army National Guard Staff Sergeant Jason Walters saw Allen get shot during the Taliban ambush on troops seeking information on Bergdahl’s location. He choked up as he recalled visiting Allen later in a Florida hospital.

“Seeing him like that was…painful,” Walters said.

I’m sure it was. It could have been any one of those much braver, more worthy troops who remembered their duty and went in search of the one who did not.

Bergdahl, who admitted to wrongdoing, but claimed he never intended to see anyone hurt, offered a paltry excuse.

He told Army Colonel Jeffery Nance, the judge in the case, that he had planned to go to a nearby base to report “critical problems” in his chain of command, got lost and was captured by the Taliban. He spent the next five years in captivity suffering torture, abuse and neglect.

Because that’s absolutely the best way to handle such issues.

If we’re to believe that tale, I wonder how that would have gone over, once he arrived at that base?

Berdahl’s defense argued that the court shouldn’t hear of every injury suffered by those who went in search of him. Thankfully, the judge felt otherwise.

Major Oren Gleich, one of Bergdahl’s lawyers, argued on Thursday there should be a limit to how much blame his client shoulders.

“The accused is not responsible for a never-ending chain of causes and effects,” Gleich said.

Everything that happened from the time he walked away from his post, to the time he was finally returned is on him.

His defense team are expected to bring in expert testimony into the court, in order to talk about the suffering Bergdahl endured, while in “captivity.”

Meanwhile, Bergdahl emerged from that captivity seemingly healthy, walked away under his own strength, even though the Obama administration cited health reasons behind the deal to recover him.

Bergdahl is in court, healthy, well, and when he receives his sentencing, he’ll stand up on his own two legs.

Master Sergeant Mark Allen, on the other hand, won’t be standing for anything, anymore.

The post In Bowe Bergdahl Sentencing, Court Gets to Hear of Who Really Suffered from His Actions appeared first on RedState.


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