Never let a crisis go to waste.
A crazed Islamic convert slaughtered over 50 people Sunday night at a Las Vegas country western concert in a mass shooting.
Another 400 people were injured.
The Islamic State claimed Las Vegas suspect Stephen Paddock carried out the attack on behalf of the terror group. The shooting suspect allegedly ‘converted to Islam months ago.’
Democrat Hillary Clinton wasted no time politicizing the terrorist attack and immediately went after the NRA in response to the mass shooting.
FOX News analyst Chris Stirewalt called Hillary Clinton a “blight on her party” who “won’t go away… Nothing will stop her.”
Hillary tweeted, “The crowd fled at the sound of gunshots. Imagine the deaths if the shooter had a silencer, which the NRA wants to make easier to get.”
“Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.”
Our grief isn’t enough. We can and must put politics aside, stand up to the NRA, and work together to try to stop this from happening again.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017
Really?? There’s blood in the streets and Hillary is attacking the NRA?? As usual, Hillary said nothing about Islamic terrorism.
Hillary got hammered on Twitter.
Funny how trump, pence, and Obama all tweet with pure condolences and here’s Clinton using the shooting as political leverage
— nick underhill (@bakerDW816) October 2, 2017
Way to politicize the tragedy. You’re like a lawyer waiting in the hospital ER to find clients.
— Troy Caya (@TroyRCaya) October 2, 2017
Thank GOD you are not the president.
— Jodi McPhee Giddings (@JodiGiddings) October 2, 2017
I bet your bet your hit man used a silencer when they took out people that we’re going to testify against you.
— Leo Daniels Ent.🌎 (@LeoRules1) October 2, 2017
— RC🚂🚂🚂🚂 (@Palladio3830) October 2, 2017
Your sick mind is capable of imagining even worse, you’re an abomination to humankind
SO GLAD you’re not & will NEVER BE anyone’s president!— Jackie #LavaJato 👠 (@jackieaus) October 2, 2017
REALLY!?!? This is why you lost!
— Smooth Crumminal (@aaron_crumm) October 2, 2017
Within hours you push your agenda!! You disgust me!!
— Pittiemomx4 (@dfalls1552) October 2, 2017
Classy tweet Mrs. Clinton. In time of tragedy instead of focusing on coming together as a country let’s further divide America w/ gun debate
— Nicholas LeBlanc (@Naleblanc15) October 2, 2017
Blood is still running in the streets and you’re making a political show of it. Classy.
— mardbald (@mardbald) October 2, 2017
Stop w/politics It’s NOT the time #HillaryClinton I dont support #NRA but I’m smart enough 2know we cant stop madness #LasVegasShootings
— Diana Pasterchick (@PlantYourHope) October 2, 2017
Funny how ISIS is taking responsibility not the NRA!
— Amanda (@rayne67501) October 2, 2017
The post Hillary Clinton Gets HAMMERED on Twitter After Disgusting Vegas Shooting Response appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.