
Hillary Again Shows Signs of Serious Illness – Still Quiet About Possible Parkinson’s

- Oktober 23, 2017

Guest post by Joe Hoft

Yesterday Hillary Clinton showed up at Yale using forearm crutches.  The Internet was ablaze noting that a broken toe, which she said was the reason for her declining an event last week, does not require forearm crutches for balance.

These events again lead even casual observers to wonder again if Hillary has Parkinson’s disease.  She and her campaign have never said so but it sure looks like this is the case.

Last year we pointed out that Hillary was very sick and reported that she was dishonest about many things including her health. As an example, during the primary season in 2016 Hillary had some sort of seizure or attack during a stop at a coffee shop. She blamed it on her chai tea.

The AP reporter who was there stated that she was not horrified by Hillary’s seizure, but her face showed a different story. WikiLeaks later uncovered that the reporter, Lisa Lerer, was one of many reporters who dined at Clinton campaign manager John Podesta’s house, diminishing her account of the event.

Hillary was seen being carried up steps on a different occasion.

In one campaign event, Hillary suddenly froze and forgot where she was at and continued with a totally different train of thought. This was about the time that people on social media began to notice a large black man at her side. He then began popping up all over the place.

After all these episodes the Hillary campaign continued to argue that there was nothing wrong with Hillary, but then she attended the 9-11 ceremony in New York City. Unfortunately for her campaign, Hillary got really sick and left the event. She ended up losing control of her body, passing out, losing her shoe and had to be thrown into her car like a side of beef!

Hillary’s doctor Lisa Bardack came out after Hillary’s 9-11 collapse to declare for a second time that Hillary’s health was fine. But like everything surrounding Hillary this was clearly not the case. 71% of doctors in an Internet survey responded that concerns about Hillary Clinton’s health are serious and could be disqualifying for the position of President of the US. FOX Business News next shared a video of Hillary’s coughing fits.

An email released by WikiLeaks showed Hillary’s campaign team strategizing about hiding Hillary’s poor health issues. Another report by a British paper discussed Hillary’s floating eyeball which it was suggested could indicate some very serious issues. In addition, Hillary participated in only 11 campaign rallies in both September and October which are very low numbers for a candidate running for President. (Trump had 59 during the same time period.)

Finally, WikiLeaks released an email from her team stating that Hillary was drunk in the afternoon and indicating someone should call her so she can sober up. This past weekend she was found campaigning at a bar, in Florida, mid-morning, on Sunday.

The MSM has not done its job in reporting accurately on Hillary’s terrible health. Those in the media that said something were punished. (Dr. Drew on CNN had his show cancelled shortly after questioning Hillary’s health.)

We stand by what we declared last year – Something is terribly wrong with Hillary Clinton’s health.

Time will prove us right.


The post Hillary Again Shows Signs of Serious Illness – Still Quiet About Possible Parkinson’s appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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