While our President and Vice President are focused like lasers on the real issues facing our country (the NFL), some GOP Congress members are wasting their time talking about ObamaCare and how it will never get repealed:
For the first time, rank-and-file Republicans are acknowledging Obamacare may never be repealed.
After multiple failures to repeal the law, the White House and many GOP lawmakers are publicly promising to try again in early 2018. But privately, both House and Senate Republicans acknowledge they may never be able to deliver on their seven-year vow to scrap the law.
“Personally, I don’t” see it, Rep. Phil Roe (R-Tenn.) said. “I just don’t know how you can reconcile a bill you’ve taken two whiffs at already and couldn’t get the votes.”
Some sound almost resigned to the new reality. “I’d say it’s 50-50,” Rep. Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.) said of the prospect the law will remain in place.
Yes, it’s pathetic that these people can’t get anything done. But why are these people talking about repealing ObamaCare to begin with?
I don’t care about health care, Phil Roe. Where are you on taking a knee during the national anthem? Enough talk about leaving a socialist monstrosity in place, Kevin Cramer. Would you have had the testicular fortitude to spend $250,000 of taxpayer money to walk out of a football game after 10 minutes?
I’m sick and tired of Donald Trump and Mike Pence being the only ones to focus on the real issues. Where are our Congressmen on the culture war? I won’t be satisfied until every Republican member of Congress stages a pricey protest at an NFL game. Think of how effective (and expensive) it would be to have every congressional Republican show up at the next 49ers game and then feign surprise as the 49ers take a knee? Why, the gains to be made in the fight against the left are limitless!
Enough yapping about ObamaCare. I want my bread and circuses and I want it now.
The post GOP Politicians Fritter Away Their Time Talking About ObamaCare When There is a (Culture) War Going On appeared first on RedState.