
Fox News Op-Ed: “The Democrats’ IT Scandal Just Got Even More Bizarre”

- Oktober 10, 2017

A new report by Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller reveals Imran Awan, a former DNC IT aide, feels very strongly,’ that his ‘attorney client privilege,’ be respected in connection to a laptop with the username ‘RepDWS.’ 

The Daily Caller reports:

Lawyers for Imran Awan, an ex-aide who ran information technology (IT) for Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, “feel very strongly” that a laptop with the username “RepDWS” should not be valid as evidence because he put a note that said “attorney client privilege” near it before leaving it in a phone booth on Capitol Hill, they said in federal court Friday.

Prosecutors revealed that when they arrested Imran at the airport in July as he tried to board a flight to Pakistan, he was carrying a resume with an alias in the Jackson Heights, Queens neighborhood of New York City. Imran may have planned to “relocate” there, seemingly under a different identity, Prosecutors suggested. They said he had wiped his cell phone hours before the arrest, suggesting that he was taking “active measures” to hide evidence.

Hina Alvi, Imran’s wife, was arraigned on four felony counts of bank fraud. Wasserman Schultz of Florida added Alvi to her payroll after the couple was already the focus of a criminal investigation into misconduct on Capitol Hill.

Click here to read the rest of Luke Rosiak’s report.

With each passing day, we learn more and more about the dark and murky past of Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan. The former employee of Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz is accused of stealing hardware from ranking Democrats and sending sensitive intel to foreign groups like the Muslim Brotherhood. A new reports says Awan was “sending money and gifts to government officials in Pakistan and received protection from the Pakistani police, multiple relatives claim.”

Now we learn Awan wiped his phone clean just hours before he was arrested.

Zerohedge reports:

Gowen tried to counter this by telling the judge: “Awan had recently bought the phone, so of course it didn’t have any data on it.”

But Mirando countered by saying the FBI found that the phone had been wiped on purpose. A time stamp on the iPhone indicated it had been wiped at 6:30 p.m. that evening (Awan was arrested around 10 p.m.). Awan also had a laptop on him, but one of the few things on the computer was a resume. Mirando used this and other details—such as that the Awan’s quickly sold many of their Virginia properties—to explain that Imran had no intention of returning.

The iPhone Awan was carrying has a feature built in that allows someone to wipe it before they sell it. Investigators were nevertheless able to determine when it was wiped because the phone created a “.obliterated” file with a time stamp.

There are some cases where an iPhone won’t create a .obliterated file that can be easily found, but there are other techniques used by investigators to uncover and see when an iPhone was wiped.

Click here to read the whole report.

According to Fox News’ Frank Miniter, the DNC IT scandal is getting more bizarre by the day.

From Fox News:

In another twist, Gowen brought up a computer that Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz wants back so badly she actually threatened the chief of the Capitol Police in a public hearing with “consequences” if she didn’t get it back.


Gowen, however, didn’t answer what Imran was doing in the Longworth congressional building late at night and long after he’d been fired by every Democrat aside from Rep. Wasserman Schultz (Wasserman Schultz’s office isn’t in Longworth).

The deeper you dig the more it becomes clear this case is about much more than bank fraud. Capitol Police are investigating possible theft of congressional computer equipment, massive amounts of data moved off the congressional system, alleged fake computer data created to throw investigators off the trail, and data mined by the Awans that could include emails from many members of Congress and more.

Rep. Wasserman Schultz, who lost her post at the DNC when Wikileaks published emails showing that under her leadership the DNC worked to sabotage Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, might be exposed to even more revelations.

Meanwhile, Congress has been asked to open an ethics investigation to answer why Rep. Wasserman Schultz kept Imran on her payroll even after the Capitol Police investigation became known.

The post Fox News Op-Ed: “The Democrats’ IT Scandal Just Got Even More Bizarre” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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