
CNN Claims Russians Meddled in 2016 Election With ‘Pokémon Go’ – Gets Savaged on Twitter

- Oktober 12, 2017

You just can’t make this stuff up.

CNN broke an ‘exclusive’ story on Thursday in their desperate attempt to publish anything with the word ‘Russians’ in the title. CNN is now claiming the Russians meddled in the 2016 presidential election through Pokemon Go.

How did we go from Trump colluded with the Kremlin to Pokemon ads?

In this bombshell report, CNN claims:

The donotshoot.us website in turn links to a Tumblr account. In July 2016, this Tumblr account announced a contest encouraging readers to play Pokémon Go, the augmented reality game in which users go out into the real world and use their phones to find and “train” Pokémon characters.

Specifically, the Don’t Shoot Us contest directed readers to go to find and train Pokémon near locations where alleged incidents of police brutality had taken place. Users were instructed to give their Pokémon names corresponding with those of the victims. A post promoting the contest showed a Pokémon named “Eric Garner,” for the African-American man who died after being put in a chokehold by a New York Police Department officer.

“Exclusive: Russian-linked meddling effort extended to YouTube, Tumblr and even Pokémon Go”

CNN got relentlessly trolled.

The post CNN Claims Russians Meddled in 2016 Election With ‘Pokémon Go’ – Gets Savaged on Twitter appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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