Linda Bloodworth-Thomason, the creator of the iconic 90s sitcom Designing Women and a close friend for decades of Bill and Hillary Clinton, admits that she not only knew of producer Harvey Weinstein’s predations, but that she warned “top-level” Democrats about him. Buried deep within a Hollywood Reporter guest column, Bloodworth-Thomason drops this bombshell (with a deflecting shot at Fox News): “I confess to having had no problem warning at least three top-level Democratic operatives against allowing Harvey Weinstein to host political fundraisers. A warning that evidently (and to the glee of Fox News) fell on deaf ears.” She also says she was a member of “a ‘Let’s Bring Harvey Weinstein Down’ lunch club” and appears to express some disbelief towards those who, “despite knowing him for decades,” now “announce they had no idea what was going on.” To this, she writes, “OK. Whatever.” If Bloodworth-Thomason knew about Weinstein’s alleged predations and warned top-level Democrats, how difficult is it to add two and two to come up with the Clintons and the Democrat Party knew? Certainly, and we have no reason to doubt Bloodworth-Thomason, at least three top-level Democrats knew, and did nothing to stop Weinstein from becoming a major player and
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Bombshell: Longtime Clinton Friend Admits ‘Warning’ Top-Level Democrats About Weinstein