
BANANA REPUBLIC: Dirty Cop Mueller is Looking at Manafort Wire Transfer From Before Campaign in 2013

- Oktober 29, 2017

Robert Mueller continued with his now widely reported corrupt and criminal activities last night by leaking information sealed by the courts to CNN.  This is just another corrupt and criminal act in Mueller’s corrupt and criminal career.

Last night we found out from information leaked to CNN that the Mueller investigation has filed charges in the ongoing superfluous investigation into President Trump and the far out possibility that he colluded with Russia in the 2016 election.  CNN reported that:

A federal grand jury in Washington, DC, on Friday approved the first charges in the investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to sources briefed on the matter. The charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge.

In typical bad cop form, former FBI Head and current Special Counsel Mueller proved again that he is as dirty as it gets.

Mueller’s career is littered with numerous investigations of major scandals and likely crimes that Mueller did not meaningfully investigate as FBI Director resulting in no arrests and no consequences.

Now it appears the only alleged criminal conduct the Mueller Special Counsel can dig up is a questionable $53,000 transaction by Paul Manafort to Kanstantin Kilimnik in 2013.

That’s all they got.
Deep State Democrats have blown MILLIONS on a fake investigation that was based on lies from a fraudulent dossier.
And after 8 months this is all they got.

A Paul Manafort transaction from 2013!

It’s time AG Jeff Sessions grew a pair and stood up to these criminals.

Tom Fitton at Judicial Watch nailed it:

The post BANANA REPUBLIC: Dirty Cop Mueller is Looking at Manafort Wire Transfer From Before Campaign in 2013 appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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