
As Bergdalhl Goes to Court – Where the Hell Is the Taliban Dream Team Traded for His Release?

- Oktober 16, 2017

Guest post by Joe Hoft

On May 31, 2014 President Obama announced that he transferred five Guantanamo Bay detainees to Qatar in exchange for the release of Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl who was held by the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Breitbart provided the following information about the Taliban 5 in December of 2015 –

The Taliban Five – Mohammad Fazl, Mohammed Nabi, Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Norullah Nori, and Khairullah Khairkhwa – were freed from Guantánamo in exchange for Bergdahl.

Mohammed Fazl is one of the first freed Guantanamo detainees to be retained from Afghanistan, accused by the UN of committing war crimes, and suspected of taking part in the slaughter of thousands of Shiite Muslims.

Mohammad Nabi, the former chief of Taliban security, arranged cooperative offenses with Al Qaeda, according to declassified files.

Abdul Haq Wasiq, a deputy to the deceased Taliban chief, Mullah Omar, was one of the top intelligence officials for the jihadi leader. He arranged training with top Al Qaeda operatives.

Mullah Norullah Nori is a senior Taliban commander who is also wanted by the UN for war crimes, and also took part in the suspected mass killing campaign against Shiites.

Khairullah Khairkhwa, a Taliban commander, has ties to the Ayatollah’s regime in Tehran. He was reportedly trusted by Taliban chief Mullah Omar to negotiate ties with Iran.

Breitbart also noted more than a year ago that a House of Representatives report stated that at “least three of the five Taliban leaders… have tried to plug back into their old terror network” and there were indications then that Qatar was eager to have the Taliban Five depart their country. Breitbart also noted that, “If the Taliban Five leave (or have already left) Qatar, there is virtually no measure in place to track the former Guantanamo detainees, or prevent them from re-emerging on the battlefield.”

President-elect Donald Trump was highly critical of Bergdahl on the campaign trail, calling him a “dirty, rotten traitor”. Here is then-candidate Trump railing against “traitor” Bergdahl.

The Government Accountability Office concluded that the Obama Administration broke the law in the Bergdahl swap because Obama failed to notify Congressional Committees at least 30 days in advance of the deal.

In an interview on the O’Reilly Factor shortly after the terrorist exchange, Lt. Colonel Tony Schaffer added that in addition to the Taliban 5, Obama paid $5 Billion in the exchange for Bergdahl.

This is back in the news as Bergdahl is expected to plead guilty for desertion today.

It was long reported that Bergdahl desterted and some of his fellow soldiers were killed trying to locate him. ABC News is reporting that:

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is expected to plead guilty Monday to charges that he endangered comrades by walking away from a remote post in Afghanistan in 2009.

The U.S. Army said Bergdahl asked to enter his plea before the military judge at Fort Bragg. The Associated Press previously reported that he’s expected to plead guilty to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

It was seldom reported in the mainstream press that six of Bergdahl’s fellow soldiers died looking for him after he left his post.

These brave soldiers who gave their lives searching for their fellow soldier in arms will not receive the press they deserve today. 

The mainstream media probably won’t even mention them.

Today the exact location of the Taliban 5 is unknown. There have been no reports on their whereabouts in 2 years.

The last report on the whereabouts of the Taliban 5 comes from Breitbart’s post in December 2015.


The post As Bergdalhl Goes to Court – Where the Hell Is the Taliban Dream Team Traded for His Release? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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