
Again! Twitter Censors Drudge Report On ‘Rising Optimism About U.S. Economy’ News Story

- Oktober 04, 2017

It appears Twitter is censoring the Drudge Report once again. This time, Donald Trump Jr. pointed out the social media giant labeled the conservative news site’s tweet about positive news on the U.S. economy sensitive. The story in question is by CNBC titled “American optimism about the economy hits an all-time high in new CNBC survey”

“Wife can’t get my last tweet. It literally said “Great news from CNBC no less” RTing @Drudge on Econ [Confidence] WTH is sensitive about that?”

Below is an except of the article:

The public’s views on the economy continue to cruise at lofty levels but the optimism does not appear to be lifting the president’s approval rating.

The third-quarter CNBC All-America Economic Survey found 43 percent of the public believes the economy is excellent or good, a record high in the 10-year history of the survey. Thirty-six percent believes the economy will get better, down a couple of points from last quarter, but just 23 percent say it will get worse, down 6 points.

The four-quarter average for every major economic metric in the poll — the outlook for the economy, housing, wages and the stock market — is at a record 10-year high. Those four quarters cover the time span since President Donald Trump‘s election.


Approval for Trump’s handling of the economy bumped up 2 points to 43 percent, while disapproval declined by 3 points to 41 percent.

This, of course, is not the first time Drudge has been censored by Twitter. In August, the platform labeled Eric Trump’s “jobs numbers,” tweet by the conservative site sensitive.

The censorship comes amid Drudge BLASTING the Washington Post for not reporting Amazon recently being slapped with a $300 million fine by the EU.

“$300M fine against AMAZON for tax dodge in EU… Nothing on http://washingtonpost.com  front page? Democracy Dies… with monopolistic Bezos!!”

The post Again! Twitter Censors Drudge Report On ‘Rising Optimism About U.S. Economy’ News Story appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.


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