During Friday’s Weekly Address, President Trump stated Democrats “don’t want to cut your taxes, they want to actually raise your taxes, and raise them very substantially.” Transcript as Follows: “My Fellow Americans, All American hearts are united with the people of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands who have faced terrible devastation in the wake of two catastrophic hurricanes. We are working night and day in cooperation with territorial and local authorities to assist those in need, to help save and sustain lives, and to begin the long recovery and rebuilding effort. Our commitment to those affected is this: We are with you, we will stay with you, and we will come back stronger than ever. We are sending tremendous amounts of supplies, tremendous amounts of food and water, and we are sending great people to help. I know that it’s been devastating. I know your police force and everything else has been absolutely hurt, but we’re sending people to help, and it’s getting better on a daily basis. This week, I traveled to Indiana to announce historic tax reform for the American people. It is based on four key ideas. First, we will cut taxes on all Working American
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Trump: Democrats Don’t Want to Cut Taxes, They Want to Raise Them