So what is the actual situation on the ground on the island of Puerto Rico? Obviously, there is no small amount of devastation thanks to Hurricane Maria, which did incalculable damage earlier this month. Which brings us to the next question… What has the federal government’s response been to this crisis? More specifically, what has President Trump’s response been? Well, according to Puerto Rico’s own governor, Ricardo Rosselló, he is quite satisfied and was on PBS less than 48 hours ago praising Trump’s attention and response to the crisis: PBS’S OHN YANG: Governor, are you getting all the aid you need or getting it fast enough from the states? GOV. RICARDO ROSSELLO: First of all, we are very grateful for the administration. They have responded quickly. The president has been very attentive to the situation, personally calling me several times. FEMA and the FEMA director have been here in Puerto Rico twice. As a matter of fact, they were here with us today, making sure that all the resources in FEMA were working in conjunction with the central government. We have been working together. We have been getting results. The magnitude of this catastrophe is enormous. This is going to take
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Nolte: CNN Caught Using Fake News to Turn Puerto Rico into Trump’s ‘Katrina’