Monday on MSNBC, former Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign director of communications Jennifer Palmieri said President Donald Trump’s retweet of an animated gif that shows him knocking down Hillary Clinton with a golf ball was “promoting violence against women.” Palmieri said, “I thought it was both appalling and revealing about his state of mind. And it’s appalling because it is making, you know — let alone being unable to let go of the election, but promoting violence. You know, that is promoting violence against women from the president of the United States.” She continued, “You can disagree with Hillary Clinton on policy, you can think she makes mistakes, but the hatred that surrounds her is irrational. And I think that’s a—that is one of the things that’s positive about her writing this book is that we are able to step back and, you know, outside of the heat of the campaign, without any sort of electoral stakes at hand, and consider why that is. And she’s just been this lightning rod her whole adult life, and I think it is because she’s always—whatever role she’s been in, from when she was a young woman, to the first lady, to a
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Jennifer Palmieri: Trump’s Golf Gif Is ‘Promoting Violence Against Women’